Sunday, 24 April 2016

Mission 2.4

In this Mission we had to answer these questions in a short way:

  • Who are you?;
  • What is the one thing you feel supremely qualified to provide to other people?;
  • Who do you do it for?;
  • What do these people want or need from you?;
  • How do they change or transform as a result of what you give them?

This is what I wrote:

I am Gabby.

I try to see the good in people, no matter who they are.
I do  this for everyone.
People want respect and acceptance.
I give them the opportunity to be themselves.

I wrote a short poem about my answer:

I always try to see the good
Just because I know I should
All I know is that if you would
People could start feeling good

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Mission 1.3

In this mission I had to think about what I thought a "Superhero Learner" is! I also designed what my perfect classroom would be! I hope you enjoy what I wrote and drew!

Question: What do you think a Superhero Learner is?

Answer:  I think a superhero learner is; someone who believes that they can try to succeed, even if they don't feel confident in the subject or with the project, someone who raises their hand to ask questions, someone who helps out his or her peers! I also think that a superhero learner is someone who can understand that everyone learns differently, I think this is important not only for a teacher but also for a student because you need to know that you are not the only person in the classroom who needs help and that your way of learning could be very different than someone else's way of learning.

Question: What Would Your Perfect Classroom Look Like?

In the photo I drew my perfect classroom. It has a whole wall of books for reading, another wall is a white board where the other students and I can post ideas, quotes and stuff related to what we’re learning! On another wall is a “Get To Know You” wall, where you post photos or draw images of what you did on the weekend! You could put photo or drawing up at anytime of the month, but when the month changes we take the photos down and start all over again. In the middle of the classroom there would be a swimming pool, so instead of going to gym you could have a choice of going swimming! Also on the ground is a  trampoline so instead of sitting on the ground we could sit on the trampoline and if someone needed a break they could jump around. At the back of the classroom there are the desk's (photo of desks below), the desks have wheels so you can move them around easily and put your bag underneath the seat. Behind the desks is a bookshelf for “Students Pick” (photo of bookshelf below)!

These are the desks I would have!

This is the students pick bookshelf!

This would be my perfect classroom because it has all three learning styles (Visual from the books and whiteboard, Auditory from sitting with my classmates and having class talks, Kinesthetic from the trampoline, pool and whiteboard). I think that I would learn a lot in this class and I would also be more and more excited to get up and go to school the next day!

Friday, 8 April 2016

Mission 1.2

In this Mission I had to design/create a superhero out of my strengths and weaknesses! I did just that, plus with my love of villains I designed/created a super villain to go along!


Name: Justice

Power: Justice would say “motus” (emotion in Latin) and then the two people (if it was a argument between two people) would switch places, as if they were in the others shoes. This would help because the people might come up with an agreement and the problem would be solved.

Uniforms: Black jumpsuit (baggy on the bottom and fitted on the top, sleeveless), rainbow belt, tall black boots and a rainbow taser (in case the arguments get out of hand) kept in a side satchel

Theme Song/Poem: When Justice comes, with all her power, her enemies will fear and cower, as she comes spinning ‘round, you’ll look just like a clown, ‘cause you were just brought down

Find A Quote: “We can not succeed when half of us are held back.” -Malala Yousafzai

Write A Quote: “If you pretend that a problem doesn't exist, the problem only grows until you face it.” -Gabby


  • Social intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Humour
  • Creativity
  • Gratitude

Fatal Flaw
  • Modesty

Super Villain: 

Name: Mutation

Power: Mutation could find what someone’s fear is and then change into it (physically, Mutation could turn into anything it doesn't have to be organic or living)

Uniform: Mutation’s true identity is a normal human being just like everyone else. But when Mutation feels like it, they turn into someone's fear. They’re uniform is always changing

Theme Song/Poem:
Mutation is the thing crawling across the floor
The sounds that make you shudder remembering the war
A person who looks like the one you found dead in the alley behind the grocery store
The faint footsteps of a person following you when you were a sophomore
A key to the unknown in your drawer
Or the ghostly sounds that come from behind the door
When Mutation comes be ready to implore

Find A Quote: “We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside of us.” -The Joker

Weakness: Someone who can laugh in the face of fear

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Mission 1.1

In this Mission I had to write about what I think the perfect teacher is! I colour coated my questions and answers to make it easier to read and understand! Have a great night!


  • What do you need from a teacher?
  • What do you want from a teacher?
  • Shauna has offered to be an ally, collaborative curator, lead learner and guide - are there other things you need her to be?
  • What are things you have loved about past teachers?
  • What are things you wish you could change about past teachers?
  • What do you need a teacher to know about you and the way you learn?


  • I need a teacher who listens to me and my classmates;
  • I need a teacher who helps their students in every way they know how;
  • I need a teacher who gets to know their students so they can connect with them, teachers can do this by commenting on their journals, playing a ‘get to know you’ game, ‘get to know you’ projects and getting involved with clubs;
  • I need a teacher who reaches out to all students;
  • I want a teacher with different learning strategies (easy and fun tricks);
  • I want a teacher who understand how students are feeling (they were students once too);
  • I want a teacher who realizes that students all have different strengths and weaknesses;
  • Someone who supports me by encouraging me to work on projects that have a personal interest;
  • Someone who challenges me to step outside of my comfort zone;
  • Someone who I'm comfortable communicating with;
  • How they teach students subjects they normally don't learn about;
  • How they incorporated more than one subject into a project, the project I'm doing like this is Transformations, we’re playing with shapes by rotating them into different and unique patterns, this is a mixture of math and art;
  • How they change projects to make them more fun;
  • How they skip a subject just because it isn't mandatory;
  • How they call on the students who don't raise their hands even if the students don't know the answer or feel comfortable saying what they think, instead of calling on unsuspecting students why not have a talking circle to get feedback on a subject you're teaching or to resolve a problem;
  • How they got mad at the students for not staying on track the entire time;
  • How they blame the entire student body for something one or more students did;
  • I learn better with visuals;
  • I am a hands on learner;
  • I need to ask questions, if we don't ask questions about something we are unsure of how will we learn and grow into the successful people of the future;

My Introduction


It's me. Gabby and I'm apart of the Experimental Prototype School of Tomorrow aka EPSOT!
This blog is where I'll post about all the cool things we are and will be doing! I hope you'll enjoy what I post and have fun!