Friday, 8 April 2016

Mission 1.2

In this Mission I had to design/create a superhero out of my strengths and weaknesses! I did just that, plus with my love of villains I designed/created a super villain to go along!


Name: Justice

Power: Justice would say “motus” (emotion in Latin) and then the two people (if it was a argument between two people) would switch places, as if they were in the others shoes. This would help because the people might come up with an agreement and the problem would be solved.

Uniforms: Black jumpsuit (baggy on the bottom and fitted on the top, sleeveless), rainbow belt, tall black boots and a rainbow taser (in case the arguments get out of hand) kept in a side satchel

Theme Song/Poem: When Justice comes, with all her power, her enemies will fear and cower, as she comes spinning ‘round, you’ll look just like a clown, ‘cause you were just brought down

Find A Quote: “We can not succeed when half of us are held back.” -Malala Yousafzai

Write A Quote: “If you pretend that a problem doesn't exist, the problem only grows until you face it.” -Gabby


  • Social intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Humour
  • Creativity
  • Gratitude

Fatal Flaw
  • Modesty

Super Villain: 

Name: Mutation

Power: Mutation could find what someone’s fear is and then change into it (physically, Mutation could turn into anything it doesn't have to be organic or living)

Uniform: Mutation’s true identity is a normal human being just like everyone else. But when Mutation feels like it, they turn into someone's fear. They’re uniform is always changing

Theme Song/Poem:
Mutation is the thing crawling across the floor
The sounds that make you shudder remembering the war
A person who looks like the one you found dead in the alley behind the grocery store
The faint footsteps of a person following you when you were a sophomore
A key to the unknown in your drawer
Or the ghostly sounds that come from behind the door
When Mutation comes be ready to implore

Find A Quote: “We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside of us.” -The Joker

Weakness: Someone who can laugh in the face of fear


  1. Yes, Gabby, yes! You have done such great work on this Quest! I love your poems and am thrilled you created videos of them!

    I'm so excited to work with Justice and hope that I can stay away from the terrifying Mutation!

  2. Hey Gabby I love your superhero! I was wondering why you choose the quote “We can not succeed when half of us are held back.” by Malala Yousafzai? It is one of my favourites as well and I am curious why you choose it for your superhero. GREAT WORK!

    1. Hi Abby! I decided on this quote because my superhero is all about justice and rights for everyone, I also strongly believe that woman rights are important and I think my superhero would agree!

  3. Hey Gabby! Great work - I love your blog! I also really love that quote from Malala Yousafzai, I'd never heard that before. Have you seen this site before, it's pretty neat!

    I also really love that image you put at the top with the fish!!!

    Can't wait to see what Justice gets up to next!
