Monday, 2 May 2016

Mission 2.5

In this Mission we had to write a letter to three possible allies, someone who can help us and support us! In each letter I started off the same, I explained what I was doing. The letter below I wrote to my sister Sage.

Dear Sage,
I have started being apart of an online classroom run by one of my former teachers. Every once and awhile we have a new Mission come out almost every week, once we finish the Mission we post it on our blogs, you can check out what I'm doing here:

In this Mission we have to find three allies that we think can support and help us out. And I want you to be one of them because of your creative and unique ideas. I think you could help me come up with imaginative ideas that can help me express whatever I feel is right for any future Mission!

I hope you can be one of my allies and help me through the upcoming Missions!

Thank you!

Sincerely, Gabby

In my other two letters I wrote to my dad Steven, and my aunt Kimi!


  1. Great work on this letter, Gabbs! Did you hear back from your allies? How did they respond? It would be terrific to hear about that in a follow-up post.

  2. Thanks for thinking of me! I'd be happy to help in any way that I can!
