Monday, 2 May 2016

Mission 2.3

Todays Mission was about writing great blog posts! We had to find a blog post or article that we enjoyed, then read and think about what made the post great! I choose an article about making cheap diy wall art, you can read it here :

Heres what I wrote down!

  • Make it short, sweet and simple readers don't always enjoy or have time time to read a lot
  • Added photos or videos to the posts to draw attention
  • Used their own words, the sentences seemed like the person was having a real conversation with the reader
  • Wrote about something they’re interested in
  • Gave tips that helped them in the process

What do you think makes a great blog post? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this on here, Gabby.

    I like that you ended you post asking readers what they think makes a great blog post.

    For me, a great blog post tells a story and is, therefore, engaging to read. I like when the writer reflects on what they are doing and comes across as authentic and real. Their unique voice is really important to me.
